I've always had thick curly hair my whole life, and I've learned to manage it finally after 21 years. My hair stylist straightened it with a big round brush and a hair dryer with a flat end. I don't normally use a hair dryer, and I was wondering if it matters if it's a really expensive one, or a cheaper one. I'd love to have suggestions!
What hair dryer to buy for curly hair?
any dryer with a high heat setting(hot) and high wattage-1800 or more-would do. have you ever tried a flattening iron? the combination of them both would work well. the key to what your hair dresser did was the flat part on the end of the dryer. it made it easier to direct the flow of hot air to one spot....a straight stream of air. careful though, lots of heat will hurt hair.
What hair dryer to buy for curly hair?
a more expensive one with a diffuser nozzle... its kind of big with like things coming out of it
What hair dryer to buy for curly hair?
I have just a conair blow dryer. i have curly hair and it works just fine. Just make sure that if you buy one, it has a diffuser nossel that comes with it. this will help!
What hair dryer to buy for curly hair?
I would spend at least $50 if that would be possible.
The higher quality ones really make a huge difference.
They don't fry you're hair or make it frizzy.