Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?

how can i straithin my hair with out using a hair dryer or hair straigthner cause my hair is to damaged form hair straitning so i have stopped usin them for the next 2 months and cuttin my hair short anyone know how to straitin with out usin them

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?

try super skinny products by paul mitchell (at least try the serum, if not the other products as well)

putting it in your hair while it is slightly wet will tame alot of your hair.

I wouldnt "brush it soooo much" like others have suggested, if your hair is already damaged brushing it too much will continue to damage your hair. But you should brush it, brushing your hair bring natural oils from the top of our head down through your hair tips.

Also, for like $3-$5 at target you can buy a "straightening brush" (it's just two flat hair brushes on a handle with holes to let air through) blow dry your hair on cool while slowly pulling this brush through your hair (much like how you would straighten it normally) it will probably take a long time, but with shorter hair maybe it won't take too long as compared to when you used to seperately blowdry it and the straighten it.

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?

i would just say to brush it a lot. i dont straighten my hair that much. when i do the best way to keep it healthy is to bursh it. brushing it doesnt damage it. when i straighten my hair i do it for 2 weeks at a time, and i do it like everyday. to keep it healthy i brush it sooooo much.

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?

i'm afraid not. i'm a hair dresser and i have clients ask me that all the time. i think your blessed with curly hair. find a style that complements your hair. your beautiful just the way you are. love your self.

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?


There is this liquid that I used before, where you rub it in your hair, and it straightens out.

I forget what it's called. It was a loooonng time ago. :[


Maybe you could try Google for liquid straightening hair products. :D

How to straightner my hair without using a hair straithner or blow dryer is there anyway?

i read in a magazine once

that if you wrap your hair

around your head while its wet

and wrap it up with a scarf

it comes out pretty straight

i haven't tried it though but

it doesn't sound like a bad idea


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