Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is using a hair dryer to relieve itching good or bad for you?

Several weeks ago, I had a case of shingles and took the antivirals, prednisone, amitryptyline, vicodin, and codein (phew!) It's been over a month now since I've had shingles, but I still have this annoying itching/tingling sensation in one area where I had the rash (I still have a lot of redness there from where the rash was.) I've tried benadryl spray; calamine lotion, and steroid creams but the only thing that gives me temporary relief is using a hair dryer and blowing hot air on the skin until it begins to hurt. It's like scratching a very deep itch and feels really good while i'm doing it. The only problem though is after I do it, the relief only lasts for a short while and then I feel the urge to do it more frequently. I wonder if this is delaying the healing of the scar tissue thus prolonging the itching/tingling? Any insight/advice would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Is using a hair dryer to relieve itching good or bad for you?

Sounds like the shingles have not completely cleared up. If it has been over a month and the reddness has not gone down i would go see you doctor. its quite possible the antiviral didnt work, they probably had you on valtrex for the shingles which usually clear them up. I would speak to the your doctor and see if another round of meds would help. no sense in being that miserable with it.

Is using a hair dryer to relieve itching good or bad for you?

Shingles can take a very long time to heal...as for using a hair dryer well i wouldnt recommend it as it produces heat which will make you feel even more itchy..perhaps some phenergan might help--hope you get better soon

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